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Car won’t start? Well it’s probably your car battery that’s given up on you. Maintaining a good battery at all times not only extends its life but also delivers the starting power you need, when you need it.

When your starter motor is slow or interrupted while trying to start, if your battery seems to lose power in cold weather, your headlights dim while idling, or the battery warning light comes on your instrument panel after the Engine is running, it’s time to replace your vehicles battery.

Low battery charge due to corrosion over time, can often occur as a result of a faulty alternator, this will result in cell damage and the need to replace the battery.

Visit us today for a comprehensive free battery check & advise you can rely on at all times.

Wiper Blades

Clear visibility is crucial to your & to the safety of others on the road. That’s why keeping your wiper blades in top condition in all weather conditions, is a priority and is often overlooked. By replacing your wiper blades regularly, you can be assured of good visibility by reduced glare from your windshield.

Rubber perishes with time due to the elements and the sun’s UV rays. The more effective your wiper blades, the clearer your visibility to potential hazards on the road. This gives you more time to react especially during heavy thunder showers. Don’t compromise, drive in today for a free assessment and you will see how serious we are about visibility and your safety.

Other Services

Lock Nuts

Great so you fitted those awesome new wheels you have always wanted! Now you need to safeguard them from criminals by fitting a set of lock nuts/bolts. These come with a unique coded key that enable restricted access to the removal of your wheels. Lock nuts are a deterrent to theft of those shinny new wheels that make that statement.

The benefit is that you don’t find your car on bricks one day/night with your wheels no longer attached to the vehicle. Enquire in store today about a set that suits your needs, as it’s never too late to safeguard your assets.

Automotive Fuels

With a brand that has been tried and tested you can be sure your vehicle is running on optimal performance be it Fuel of diesel. Engen has upgraded to a state of the art additive to ensure your needs as a customer are met 100%. The new improved brands of fuel are now Engen Primax Unleaded and Engen Dynamic Diesel. All cars manufactured after 1995 can safely use these advanced automotive fuels. For more information on these and other Engen products please visit: http://www.engen.co.za

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